Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Introductions are polite!

"The iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total bastard. The iron will always kick you the real deal. Friends may come and go, but two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds". 
- Henry Rollins

Hello there and welcome to my brand new blog! I have had a blog in the past, but it really wasn't up to par with what I was imagining for a blog in regards to my current life. Having said that, I am still fairly new to all this. So here were are. 

I created this blog with the intention of keeping records of all my fitness fails and succession, as well as all of the scrumptious clean eating recipes I make in my household. I'm an avid food lover and cook and have been attending a local strength and conditioning gym here in my home town for the last year. Shout out to my Nemesis family! 

I am in high hopes that this will help me stay the course, keep me motivated and keep me grinding in and out of the gym. I strongly hope that it can do the same for all you readers out their who are actively living this or trying to get into the lifestyle that is all about fitness and nourishing your bodies with the healthy foods it deserves. 

I am always on the look out for more recipes and fellow inspiration/motivation, so feel free to share any information, recipes, fitness tips and such with me as I navigate this new and exciting life change. 

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